Monday, April 24, 2017

Nore dress and shirt

Today, Compagnie M* released the Nore dress and top*. Usually, Compagnie M patterns key words are "contrasting lines (color block)", pockets and woven fabrics. Two of those words are totally me, except the last one. My go to fabric is jersey, but for Compagnie M I love to make an exception. This time I did not have to comprise anything, because the newest pattern is for jersey fabrics.

During testing I made a Nore dress for my youngest. I am sure I probably had seen this obvious fabric combi somewhere else before, but I do not remember where. When I picked the stripes I did not immediately realize that they gave me an extra challenge. Having striped fabric for the sleeves meant stripe matching, but fortunately, I did realize before cutting. I bought the cats at Joyfits during the fall.

This is a surprisingly quick sew. It looks very sophisticated, I therefore feared that the color block would really slow me down, but it did not.  I think I can cut and sew one of these dresses in under an hour (keep in mind that I am a jersey junkie), which is really my kind of project. You will have to sew that color block with your sewing machine. Matching that up with a serger will be almost impossible. But the sides, neckband and sleeves can be finished with a serger, and you will need your regular machine for hemming anyway.

My test dress has color blocking on both the front and the back, but you can choose to have it only on one side or just go with a plain, super quick version. During testing, Marte came up with another type of color blocking. She did split back on the back, I really love it. You might not have noticed but the sleeves are finished with a band that is folded up. the the blog posts that Marte posted you can see more detailed pictures of the pretty finish.

Two days ago, I showed you the Kingsday dress that I sewed my eldest. Now, I can also show you want I sewed my son. I hacked the Nore shirt into a boy version. The original Nore has an apple shape, so it is round at the waist. I simply drew a straight line down from the armpit to take out the curve. If I would have followed the color block lines from the width size that I made, the color block would have been very narrow at the sides and the pockets would be too low. I therefore used the color block lines of a few sizes smaller, so I simply followed a different line (I used the pattern pieces without included seam allowance). I did re-drafted the pockets on the inside a bit, to make them a bit bigger (else they would have been the baby size (18m)

The Nore* is now available in the Compagnie M webshop*. With the code LETSDOTHENORE you get a 10% discount on the pattern. The code is valid till the 14th of May. Feel free to leave a comment in the language you prefer (although Google translate might have to assist me if you choose something different than English, German, Dutch or Hungarian). If you buy anything through my affiliate links (*), I get a small commission (the price stays the same for you), I am very grateful for everything that feeds my fabric addiction.


  1. Alweer schitterende combinaties! Ik ben fan. Koningsdag is in Nederland toch altijd een stuk vaderlandslievender dan hier in België. Geweldig vind ik dat! Oranje boven enzo! Ik overwoog ook al om Nore voor mijn jongens te maken, bij deze weet ik ook hoe ik dat best doe!

  2. Prachtig! Ik hou van beide versies. Die jongens T-shirts zijn ook zo leuk. Zeker insturen voor de wedstrijd zou ik zeggen! ;)

  3. I admire what you have done here. I love the part where you say you are doing this to give back but I would assume by all the comments that is working for you as well. Do you have any more info on this?
    ladies shirt designs pakistani
