Saturday, November 1, 2014

Crochet bear hat/shawl

Although temperatures here are extremely high (today I saw people in shorts and short sleeves), winter is coming. Yesterday evening, I therefore crocheted my middle daughter a hat/shawl. You have probably all seen the original on Pinterest. I did not use a pattern, and adjusted the pattern I had in mind even changed a bit when I noticed the thing became very big. I added some very big ears and now we have a little bear who loves to be in character.

My stash of yarn, although much smaller than my fabric stash, is relatively big. I therefore made a brown bear hat/shawl with yarn that I owned instead of buying yarn to make that adorable wolf. I made it with four strings of yarn together using a 10 size hook. This meant that I used about 300 gram of yarn for this one evening project. Great way to clean up the closet.

The whole thing is basically just a long rectangle folded to form a smaller rectangle. One side is sewn closed totally and the oposite side sewn down for a quarter of the length. It looks horrible laying down, but put a smiling toddler in it and get instant fun.